Documentation of security incidents with an incident handler's journal

One if the documentations contained in my incident handlers journal is a security incident involving a ransomware attack on a small U.S. healthcare clinic which severely disrupted their business operations.

The cause of the security incident was a phishing email that contained a malicious attachment. Once it was downloaded, ransomware was deployed encrypting the organization's computer files.

An organized group of unethical hackers left a ransom note stating that the company's files were encrypted and demanded money in exchange for the decryption key. 

I used the incident handler's journal to document this incident as well as others using the following format as a guideline: 

- The journal entry date and number

- A description of the journal entry

Answers to the following questions about the incident such as: 

- Who caused the incident?

- What happened?

- When did the incident occur?

- Where did the incident happen?

- Why did the incident happen?

And my final thoughts or questions about the incident.