
Login and Access Your Dashboard

After signing up and clicking the verification link sent to your email, you will be automatically logged into your dashboard or you can also login via the login page.


1. Click the login button from the website's navigation menu to access the login page.

2. In the login page, enter your registered email address and password in the login form.

3. Click the reCAPTCHA checkbox 'I'm not a robot' to verify that you are human.

4. Click the LOG IN  button below the form to sign into your account dashboard.




The dashboard header which is located at the top of the page has the following items which are described below.

- Logo image: This is the logo image that will be displayed on your profile space site. You can change it from the settings.

- Toggle Menu: The toggles the left sidebar menu items to a full or collapses view based on your preference.(hamburger menu icon signifies full view and three horizontal dots icon signifies collapsed view respectively).

- Language Selector: The Language Selector can be used to select your preferred language which you can add from your dashboard. English is set by default.

- Dark or Light Theme (sun and moon icons): The two display mode buttons next to each other can be used to toggle the display to Light or Dark theme.

- View Button (eye icon): This can be used to quickly open your profile space site to view the changes made.

- Toggle Button: This toggle button can be used to set your profile space site to visible or hidden making it accessible to anyone who visits your url (default state) or inaccessible.

- Profile (user icon): From here you can edit your profile, change password or log out.



The left sidebar contains the main menu items needed to manage and setup the features of your profile space site.

Dashboard: The dashboard menu shows an overview of your account's latest activities.

Edit Profile: Edit your profile information such as profile image, name, location, address etc.

Domains & URLs: Your profile space site Domains & URLs.

  •  Custom Domain (premium): Add a custom domain to use with your profile space site e.g
  • Subdomain  (premium) & Path URL: Here you can view your default path based URL unique to your profile space e.g as well as your subdomain e.g

Registered Users: This shows all users who registered in your profile space site especially if you have Appointment enabled.

 Settings: This menu contains other submenus with which you can setup various areas of your profile space site.

  • Themes: Choose a theme for your profile space site.

  •  Favicon: Add the image that will be displayed as an icon on browser tabs when your profile space site is visited.

  • Logo: Add your profile space site logo image.
  • Preloader: Add an image that shows when your profile space site is loading. This is usually same as your favicon image.
  • Color Settings: Add a preferred colour that will be used as the base colour of your site.
  • General Settings: Here you can set your profile space site title and base currency for receiving payments i.e. (₦ and NGN for Nigerian Naira) and set your preferred exchange rate for 1 dollar. Note it is set to US Dollar ($, USD) by default.
  • Social Links: Add your social media profile links which will be displayed in your site.
  • Plugins: Setup tools like WhatsApp, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels and Disqus (premium) etc.
  • SEO Information: Add meta keywords and descriptions for the various pages of your site.
  • Email Settings: Setup email for your site.

                    - Mail Templates: Add texts that will be used in your email replies.

                    - Mail Information: Add your mail 'From Name and Reply to Email'.


Home Sections: Add information such as title and description for the various sections of your profile space site's front page.

: Show or hide any sections of your profile space site's frontpage.

: Add your skills.

: Add the services your offer.

: Add your experiences.

  •   Job Experiences: Add your work experiences.
  •   Educations: Add your educations.

: Add all your achievements such as years of experience, number of satisfied customers and projects done  etc.

Portfolio: This menu allow you to create a professional portfolio page for your profile space site.

  • Category: Add your portfolio categories.
  • Portfolio: Add your portfolio content.

: Add your clients testimonials here.

(premium): Share your knowledge and ideas via blog posts.

  • Category: Add your blog categories.
  • Blogs: Add your blog posts.

Appointment Settings
(premium): Allow clients to book an appointment with you from your site.

  •  Settings: Settings for appointment.
  •  Categories: Categories for appointment.
  • Time Slots: Time Slots for appointment.
  •  Holidays: Date for Holidays.

Appointments (premium): All your appointments

  •   ALL: Shows list of appointments.
  •   Pending: Shows all appointments pending approval.
  •   Approved: Shows all approved appointments.
  •   Completed: Shows all completed appointments.
  •   Rejected: Shows all rejected appointments.

vCard Management
:  Create and Manage vCards which are virtual business cards in electronic format that contains your information and contacts.

  •  vCards: See and manage all vCards you have created.
  •  Add vCard: Create a new vCard.

CV Management
: Create and Manage your Curriculum Vitae.

QR Codes
(only available in Premium and Elite packages): Create Quick Response Codes that link to any part of your site. QR codes are barcodes that are scanned through smartphone cameras to quickly access information they website contain such as a link.

  •  Generate QR Codes: Generate a custom QR code linking any part of your site such as CV. Portfolio, Profile etc.
  •  Saved QR Codes: Manage all your generated QR codes, view, download or delete them.

Follower/Following: You can see all your followers and those you follow from here.

  •  Followers: See all those who follow you.
  •  Following: See all those you follow.

Payment Logs: Shows information about all payments made on the platform e.g for package, upgrades etc.

Language Management: Add and manage your site’s Languages.

Buy Plan: Upgrade to the premium package to get additional premium features such as custom domain, blog, appointment etc.

Payment Gateways: This shows all available gateways you can use to receive payments from your clients e.g for Appointment booking or services offered etc.

  •  Online Gateways: Setup online payment gateways.
  •  Offline Gateways: Setup offline payment gateways.

Change Password: Change your account login password from here.

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